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NoteHub is a student-centric web application designed to facilitate seamless lecture note-sharing and serve as a powerful study aid. Enhanced with gamification elements that encourage participation by rewarding users for uploading notes, it strives to be a dynamic hub of knowledge for students to access and benefit from!

How It Started

In the summer of 2023, while brainstorming with my girlfriend for potential full-stack application ideas, she proposed creating a note-sharing app tailored for students. Enthusiastic about her suggestion, she elaborated on how such a tool could significantly benefit her and her peers, facilitating the exchange of notes and deepening their understanding of various subjects. As I reflected on my own college journey, I recognized the immense value such an app could offer, providing diverse perspectives and insights beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting. Motivated by this blend of personal experiences and practical needs, I immediately recognized NoteHub as the perfect project to pursue.

How It's Going

After much time and effort, NoteHub is nearing completion and is almost ready for user testing! I'm incredibly excited to soon introduce a tool that I believe will be immensely helpful not only for my fellow peers but also for myself. Stay tuned for updates!